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And the Winner is ...

By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)
As part of the international extreme fishing circuit, Manning Point has been announced as the winner of the bid for the Australian location by the peak extreme fishing body, Poissons et boisson extrêmes.

In an announcement reminiscent of the famous gaffe when he was president of the Olympic  movement , Juan Antonio Samaranch uttered the immortal works "De winner is Mantering Punt".

The Manning Point bid leader, Marcus Copperi said that he was very pleased with the result, but was confident that their bid was strong and that the type of competitor attracked to the competition will enjoy Manning Point: "We've got a beautiful beach, a great river, and there's the Bowlo and the General Store".

The event will be held in September 2005.



That's going to make things a lot eisear from here on out.

Posted by Lefty, 28/07/2011 1:29:31 pm

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Posted by axxujr, 29/07/2011 1:08:50 am

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Posted by msyzclzm, 29/07/2011 11:05:00 pm

3t58q6 anrvweabxgdf

Posted by izejmz, 31/07/2011 3:18:50 am

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Posted by ebwvnwyps, 01/08/2011 2:20:05 am

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