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Competitors Assist New Orleans

By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)
As part of the ongoing humanitarian efforts of Poissons et Boisson Extrêmes (PeBE) , the competitors of this years Manning Point Fishing Classic have taken a detour on way to Australia to stop off in New Orleans to offer assistance.

Speaking from the PeBE base in Louisianna, Fishmen Phil said that the majority of the team have converged on the area. "Catfish Col is doing great things with the rescue effort, scurrying about and helping who ever he can.  We have had the PeBE marine crafts out and about, offering lifts and transporting food and televisions to those in need. Ganghook Gibbo is snaffling up everything he can to assist those most in need."

"It's been an unlucky year for Big Jig Geoff, first he was fishing in this quiet Sumartran Island when the tsunamai hit and lost a bag of snapper. Then this time he was chasing Octopus off Florida when hauling in the big one, the Skipper of his vessel thought it was a 'little unsafe'  with the hurricane."   "I'll tell you something for nothing; he'll be ropable by the time he hits Manning Point"

There has been some concerns raised about the location of Mangrove Mike and Barnacle Bill who were last seen preparing their tackle, muttering about sightings of big wahu and were last  seen in the French Quarter.


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Posted by ifxjczdqbcb, 16/03/2011 4:11:10 am

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