Day 2 Wrap
Day 2, the championship day, when the cream rises to the top. Well, that's the theory - in reality there was a very slow start by all participants and the fish were asleep all day.
The Shore Team headed to the Yabby/Nipper Flats and pumped some bait. However the southerly wind meant that the fishing was a bit uncomfortable, so they trekked through the bush land to the area now know as Gash Bay (or Blood Point). Trekking through bush in thongs is not a good thing for feet or shins and 45 minutes later they achieved their destination. Codfish Cowling was still limping from the previous days accident at the naming ceremony of Gash Point.
There were still no fish to catch but it was pleasant watching the bream, whiting and drummer swimming in and around our bait. Ganghook had a great feed of oysters as well. Mangrove also had fun catching little tailor and all Shore team members had a nice little nab in the sun.
Teams Blue, Red and Green were similarly quiet, Barnacle Barry from Team Blue picked up a flounder very early on, but most pickings were slim. Team Red struggled with the Order of the Pink Rod, and skipper Fishin Phil ensure that he moved the boat whenever there looked like any fish so that Mullet couldn't pass the rod onto him.
Stillwater Steve almost had a repeat of last years 'Toegate' accident, but managed only a minor wound.
The 1pm cut-off brought the end to the competition and the Teams headed back to Manning Point Manor for counting and the crowing of the new champion. The Umpire (Captain Bluering) and Marcus Copperi disappeared into the ballroom and emerged some minutes later with the winning results. Despite Mangrove's paraphrasing of some competition rules in an attempt to get a win for the Shore Team, the Umpire awarded the Premier Groupe de Pêche to the Blue Team skippered by BigJig.
The Order of the Pink Rod was granted to Mullet McLean after 2 and a half hours with not a bite. Well angled, Mullet.
The Pêcheur de Respect Elevé , the champion award, was awarded to Riverboat Rastus, for his fine hooked and landing of the Spotted Guitar Fish (Shovel Nosed Shark/Ray) on Day 0. Well done Rookie.
All travelled home relatively safely, although the Cowling Clan had a tyre burst on Superboat but all were OK and quickly repaired.