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Manning Point Fishing Classic 2016

By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

For the first time ever we have had a tie for the Winner of the Manning Point Fishing Classic. Mangrove Mike and Mr Mahi Mahi (MM and MMM) shared the same number of points - Mangrove got a few and some biggies, Mahi Mahi just got lots. Well done Champions!


The Dougie went to catering manager (and dual-Champion) Ganghook Gibbo for his extraordinary efforts in feeding the masses. The Friday night feast he organised at Manning Point Bowling Club (and Casino) was sensational. He also organised the meal at Harringans at Harrington and it was some of the best food we had ever had. Thanks Ganghook.


The Rookie of the Year was a closely fought battle. Dhufish, McTuna and Sharky all caught good fish, but when it came down to it Dhufish was given the nod as he stuck with true dedication is wearing the correct attire all weekend and only swimming, not showering. Well done Dhufish.


The Pink Rod has a very slow rotation around the boats and in the end the music stopped on Swampman's boat with the skipper taking the hit for the team. Well done Swampman.


The largest fish was caught by Fishin Phil - a nice 54cm flattie.


The winning team was also line ball. It was an interesting week-end where there was a reasonable gap between the 'Haves' and the 'Have-nots'. Our joint Champions both have a heap of local knowledge and it helped there respective boats get plenty of fish - there was then a big gap to the rest. There are already rumours of rule changes for 2017 to address this imbalance.

In the end the teams, skippered by Dhufish ( with Kneptune and Mangrove) and Mr Mahi Mahi (McTuna and Hammah Head), ended up with the same amount of points. The Rules Committee decided that the Mahi Mahi team had been on the Winners Board for too many consecutive years and awarded the Winner team to Dhufish's Team 6 because that also added a Muddie to their collection. Well done boys.


For the skippers who brought along their boats for all to share, I thank you. Sharky's banana boat was the talk of the Manning. . The umbrella was a very nice touch. His crew of Fishin, Haka and Hookem were mostly useless at fishing (apart from a couple of big bream and Fishin's big flattie) but they sure looked like they were having the most fun. There are so many plans for next year with that sucker.

Swampman with his crew of Mudguts and Riverboat Rastus were the shovel-nose ray kings - bringing them in most of the comp. BigJig's Team Karisma with Sleepy Phil and Tsunami were a bit slow in the fishing department but as usual Karisma looked great and Sleepy could live up to his name.

Sailfin Steve's crew consisted of Captain Bluering (after a negotiated transfer), cow-fish catching Saltwater and dual-champion Ganghook Gibbo. They caught lots of little fish but next time will make sure they bring a net.

An awesome weekend like this wouldn't be possible without a mass of helpers assisting me and they deserve a heap of thanks.  Ganghook Gibbo was a star. He assisted and put together all catering and also helped in many other areas of administering the competition. Legend! 

Fishin Phil was our bacon and eggs go-to man and also helped a lot in running the event. Thanks mate.   The Captain pulled out some of the best beers he has ever made - the first keg disappeared in record time. Great brewing and great service - thanks Bluering.  BigJig did the late Friday night cooking. The Steves (Sailfin and Saltwater) ripped in and were the chefs for the Saturday BBQ - ably supported by crab sous-chef, Sharky.  Tsunami Col's salads were again awesome and we really appreciate the effort. Mr Mahi Mahi's chili wings kept every-one moving (and mostly happy - although there were some tears).  Thanks also to those who helped clean up at the end - BigJig, Captain, MMM, Haka, Sleepy , GH, FF, etc.


Finally, and most importantly,  the cost of the event and the great prizes would not be possible without our sponsors. Thanks very much to Riverboat and his company BeAmazed Sports for providing great prizes for the winners. (Sadly, some idiots at Buladelah took some from their boat on the way up!)  Thank you to BCF for providing a heap of gear that was put in the comp show bags and to add to the winner prizes - special thanks to BCF Glendale.  Sharky and Hookem from Camplify kicked in to support the comp and negotiated the deal with BCF - thanks.  Sailfish Steve from Sotcom dipped in with financial support when we needed it and for that Steve we would like to thank you very, very much.


So, that's a wrap. Thanks to all involved. We won 12 of 25 raffle trays at the club (2 flogged) - we can improve on that next year. Bring on 2017.




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