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Preparations on Track

By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)
The head of the Manning Point Fishing Classic organisation committee, Marcus Copperi, has said today that all the preparations for the Classic are on track.

"We are one year out and everything looks fine. We had a visit from the International Committee of Poissons et boisson extrêmes and they are very happy with the progress."  "The main river facility is looking fine and the sand has all but been shipped in for the beach round." "The Pippy collection stadium is well on track and looks fantastic (see photo)".

When asked about the status of the Cross City Tunnel and rumours of it running well over time and budget, Marcus replied, "thanks for that great and incisive question, that demonstrates to me the respect and clarity of vision that we have." When further pushed by the media, Marcus did have this to say "See you at the Bowlo, Macca. We'll ask Clarry how it's going."


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