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Monday 19th March 2012
By Mr Mahi Mahi

Well the 2012 MP Classic is almost upon us and one has to wonder why am I posting a thread for 2012 on a 2011 forum page?

Other questions spring to mind such as should I bring bass lures to this year's event given the amount of fresh water in the Mighty Manning with it's resemblance to chocolate Moove?

Also, is there any chance of


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Nice Bream, Mr Mahi Mahi. Our developers in Mumbai have fixed the oversight and there is now a 'Manning Point Fishing Classic 2012' category.

Posted by Ronny Reuters OBE (MP), 19/03/2012 12:57:02 pm

Tuesday 20th December 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Mangrove Mike has just landed his biggest ever flattie at beautiful Manning Point.
The 4.2 kilo, 84 cm beast was caught on 6lb braid, 8 lb leader and the king of plastics, the Squidgy Pro 70mm Evil Minnow Flick bait. An 8 minute battle where multiple attempts at netting failed, Captain Kevin, got the lizard in the net just in time. Mangrove


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How much did that cost you at the co-op??

Posted by Roughy Rod, 09/02/2012 3:41:07 pm

Friday 16th September 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Legendary Manning Point Fishing Classic competitor and 2010 Champion, Mangrove Mike has been on Twitter now for quite a while. His technology stories and witty ditties have the Twitterassi in a lather but his latest follower shows his true international and polical clout.

Australian Prime Minister (currently) Julia Gillard has obviously


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So what is the past tense of twitter?? Did Julia twat you?? Even though you are forefront of technology, the English language is still a long way behind.

Posted by Fishing Phil, 13/12/2011 7:04:53 pm

Monday 28th March 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Haka Jo and Mr Mahi Mahi were up and at it at dawn - seasoned competitors were concerned by this action but thankfully they didn't catch much.

Rain persisted for most of the day and it was with some relief that the bell rang at 1pm and the competitors were called in for the reckoning.

Fishin Phil smashed all comers and took out


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Monday 28th March 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Day 1 started slowly due to the late night tactic discussions despite Mangrove offering to drive everyone in a bus to the local polling booth. It was refused but he still drove the bus.
Voting was EXTREMELY slow despite the returning officer having done the task "for forty years" - she was reliving every moment of those forty


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Monday 28th March 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Friday, Day 0, is the day of preparation. Secret spots were investigated, gentle fluids were consumed and Manning Point Bowling Club was put under pressure.

Mangrove, Ganghook and Fishin hit the water early and waited for the others to turn up at Manning Point. Throughout the day they straggled in, seasoned pros like Bigjig, Tsunami


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I'm so glad I found my solution oinlne.

Posted by Adele, 30/08/2011 10:07:18 pm

Sunday 27th March 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Fishin Phil has taken out the 2011 Manning Point Fishing Classic with consistent catches of flatties over the weekend. More details to follow.


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Sunday 27th March 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)
Fisherman: Flathead Fill Checkout what I just caught. Mud crab for lunch! ...

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Tasted great with some chilli sauce and spring onions.... much appreciated by CO Home Base.

Posted by Flathead Fill, 28/03/2011 10:51:35 am

Saturday 26th March 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)
Mangrove hammers massive tailor on Strike Pro lure and now leads that comp. ...

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Saturday 26th March 2011
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Fisherman: Flathead Fill
Checkout what I just caught. A grinner!


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