Manning Point Fishing Classic Blog

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Monday 23rd March 2015
By  Saltwater Steve

Merci MPFC organisers and  competitors for an awesome weekend and for making this rookie welcome. Unfortunately, it didn't take much for me to get the fishy smell out of my competition uniform........bugger!


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Sunday 22nd March 2015
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Ganghook Gibbo has won the 2015 Manning Point Fishing Classic with consistent catches of varying species over the weekend. Hammah Head took out 'The Dougie', Flathead Phil received The Order of the Pink Rod and Sailfin Steve took out the Rookie of the Year. More photos soon. .


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Saturday 21st March 2015
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)
Fisherman: Sailfin Steve Checkout what I just caught. A perfect match for Captain Bluering's fish, another 47cm flattie. Mangrove Mike is the perfect guide. -- ....

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Saturday 21st March 2015
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

The teams were split up and sent out onto the water.

Sailfin's team of Mangrove and Captain Bluering were straight into it - both The Captain and Sailfin getting near-identical 47cm flatties.

BigJig and Saltwater just puttered around. Fishin and Ganghook also had some success with some weird species caught.

Mr Mahi


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Saturday 21st March 2015
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

Fisherman: Captain Bluering Checkout what I just caught. A nice 47cm flattie.


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Friday 20th March 2015
By Hookem Hales

Dear MPFC Peps

Sad to say I cant join you this weekend due to the launch of your new sponsor the best place to hire a caravan, and Merewether Cricket Club finals. 

I'd rather be there than anywhere else. Good luck Team Capt Blue Ring for the win after your disgraceful performances over the last


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Friday 20th March 2015
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)

The 2015 has started off with a bang. Rookies were presented their shirts by BigJig and the new kit was awesome.

Captain Bluering had updated the beer system Dalek and is producing great beer. The meal at the Bowlo was fantastic - Ganghook has absolutely surpassed all previous levels of food consumed there.

On the fishing


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Thursday 19th March 2015
By Ronny Reuters OBE (MP)
Two of the remaining four originals, Fishin and Ganghook discuss tactics before the start of the 2015 Manning Point Fishing Classic. After the late withdrawal of fellow original Tsunami Col, only Mangrove and Bigjig are also remaining of the original competitors from the 2005 Manning Point Fishing Classic. All four have not missed an event.

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Thursday 19th March 2015
By  Hammah Head

Dear Fishing and Drinking Compadres,

The Tumblr picture that started it all.


I don't really give a f*ck what the colour


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depends on how much Manninging Ponit scotch one has consumed, hey?

Posted by Saltwater Steve, 23/03/2015 7:03:40 pm

Thursday 19th March 2015
By mudguts

Well its that time of the year again . Rods , Fish and Drinking men

12 months training with amber in hand , can not wait for water and sand

catching some fish sounds finger licken , just hope


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